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The Eclectic Shaman (Artist)

Bucket        Hat Weeb

Xavier Williams​​

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Filmmaker | Director | Photographer | Graphic Designer | Writer | Entrepreneur  

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Endless: Media Production & Entertainment 

Geekz Nation
  • Nirvana Home Studios
  • Geekz Nation

Hello, and welcome to my portfolio. I am the artist Bucket Hat Weeb, Xavier Williams. As an artist, I have always had my head in the clouds thinking of creative ways to express my ideas and stories I create. I artists life started early as a musician, but it's made it's way into film as I graduated with Film studies and production degree. Since my head is always in the sky, and there is so much ones mind can think of; so many ways to express. I have to become eclectic. So are you joining me on my eclectic journey. You can check out my the creative mediums I have worked with in my gallery. Coming soon is my interactive game using my portfolio   "Infinity Theather". A game I am creating using Wix media as my canvas. With a wave of the mouse cursor over my profile picture; you can join me as I express my creative magic. Till then. Enjoy the magic that's available.

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